Sunday, July 24, 2011

Super Simles

 Many of us think to do something kind you have to do something huge, when all you need to do is something small. Think about it. A bunch of little things amount to one really big thing. Here are some little things YOU  can do to make a big diffrence.
  1. help some one move
  2. make little carepackages for people in your neighborhood
  3. just smile and spread you cheer
  4. giving complemts
  5. trying something you may not like for someone else
  6. baking something for someone else
 These are only some of the things you can do. I challenge you to think of atleast 5 diffrent things you can do and post them.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Simple Smiles

   Here some ways to make people smile...
  1. Stand up for others 
  2. Bare others burdens (help others with jobs)
  3. Send them a card
  4. Hold the door
  5. Give assistance (give rides when needed,help with car problems)
  6. Take them a meal
     I challenge you to do at least 1of these things before the next post, and tell us what it was.